Chat Rewards System
/chat-rewards start

To start a chat rewards giveaway with the /chat-rewards start command, follow these steps:

Giveaway Channel: Choose where to announce the giveaway.

Winners Channel: Select where to announce the winners.

Time: Set the start and end time in HH:mm format (e.g., 07:00 for 7 AM and 19:00 for 7:00 PM).

Timezone: Enter the timezone as Continent/City (e.g., Europe/London, America/New_York, etc.).

Winners: Decide how many winners you will have.

Color: Optionally set the embed color using a hex code (e.g., #ff6252).

Title: Enter a title for the giveaway embed.

Description: Write a description for the giveaway embed.

Rows: Add up to 5 additional text rows for the embed.

Image: Optionally add an image link.

/chat-rewards reroll
Re-run a giveaway selection using previous entries.
/chat-rewards edit
Edit the existing giveaway message.
/chat-rewards stop
Stop an ongoing giveaway.
/chat-rewards toggle-logs
Toggle system that logs actions related to chat rewards, such as adding/removing entries and blocking/unblocking users.
/entries check
Checks how many entries a specific user has in the giveaway.
/entries leaderboard
Displays the top 10 users with the most entries in the giveaway.
/entries add
Manually adds a specific number of entries to a user for the giveaway.
/entries remove
Manually removes a specific number of entries from a user in the giveaway.
/entries block
Blocks a user from entering the giveaway, with an optional reason and automatic unban time.
/entries unblock
Unblocks a user from entering the giveaway.
/blocked-roles toggle
Enables you to toggle specific roles to block them from earning entries in the chat rewards system.
/blocked-roles list
Lists all roles that are currently blocked from earning entries.
/blocked-channels toggle
Allows you to toggle specific channels, preventing users from earning entries in them through the chat rewards system.
/blocked-channels list
Displays a list of all channels currently on the Blocked Channel List.
/allowed-roles toggle
Add or remove a role from the list of roles that are allowed to earn entries. If roles are set, only users with these roles can earn entries. If no roles are set, everyone can earn entries.
/allowed-roles list
Displays the roles a user must have at least one of to qualify for earning entries.
Auto Reactions
/autoreactions set
Automatically add specific emoji reactions to messages in a channel.
/autoreactions remove
Stop the bot from adding reactions to messages.
Sticky Messages
/sticky create
Create a sticky message that reposts after a set number of messages.
/sticky remove
Remove a sticky message from a channel.
/staff-roles add
Assign specific roles as "staff roles" with moderation permissions.
/staff-roles remove
Remove a role from the staff roles list.
/anonymous toggle
Delete all stored data related to your account and disable tracking.
Deletes up to 100 messages from the channel.
Send a message as the bot with a staff team footer.
Earn 20 entries in every eligible server you're part of by voting, as long as the Chat Rewards system is enabled in that server. You can claim entries once every 12 hours.